Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Paige: We're all so sorry for the silence, but I'm sad to say that RBC wasn't the only loss we suffered recently. A couple weeks after RBC passed, our little girl cat RGC came down ill as well. Cancer, once again, struck our family, and she passed away only 5 weeks after our dear boy. She was 14 years old.

Monica: It's been a hard thing knowing we'd have to come here and say it, so soon after RBC. I think we thought if we'd put it off it wouldn't be true. Damn. Well, it's been awfully quiet at home. No pitter patter of little kitty feet. We've been wallowing ever since, and I have to tell you that's not a good thing. Thank you, Claire, for poking at us. It's good to know there are people out there who care.

Paige: Yeah, thank you. We'll try not to be so quiet from here on out. For the moment, though, here is a picture of RGC. She had the biggest eyes we'd ever seen on a cat. I hope this image gives you a small sample of what we felt whenever she looked our way. Take care for now!