Thursday, August 13, 2009


RB: From myself and the girls, I want just want to tell everyone about the passing of a dear friend and companion of over 17 years. Known here previously as RBC (Real Boy Cat), he left us yesterday after a brief illness. Since he was eight weeks old he had shared my life, bearing silent witness to its many ups and downs, and provided support and comfort with his presence and touch. He was not just a cat. He was my confidant and ally. I cannot express how much I will miss him. Even now I yearn to hear his purr once more and felt my heart ache when my hand reached out in the night to find him missing besides me in sleep. He was, and always will be treasured in my heart and soul. Farewell, my friend.

1991 - 2009


Anonymous said...

So, so, sorry for your loss. I know exactly how you feel...we lost our Simba last was so heartbreaking.

Big hugs hon!!

Mandie said...

I cried reading that. I'm so sorry. We'll be making a memorial donation to Morris Animal Foundation in his name.

--Zoe, Bridget, and Mandie

Paige, Monica, and Alyson said...

Thank you so very, very much. It would be a pleasure to know that the impact of his life will spread beyond those who knew him personally to touch the lives of others, especially those in need, both human and animal. Thanks again.

Claire said...

i keep stopping in to say something, and i keep getting too sad to figure out what to say.

i sure hope that time is healing your grief.



Paige, Monica, and Alyson said...

We're so sorry for the sadness. We've been told by friends in the know that having any cat for more than 13 years is a great blessing. RGC was with us for 14 and RBC for just shy of 18, an astounding time. We miss them both greatly, but know that they were with us as long as they could be. We remain thankful for having had them in our lives as long as we did. Thank you so much for caring. It was your note that prompted us out of hiding. I hope you know what that means to us. Take care!

Real Person said...

Hi RB and ladies...

I thought I would let you know that you are continually in my thoughts and my prayers during this time of grief. Remember, death is only a passage, they will always be with you as we never really die, we change.

Your pal,
